Preliminary Program

Final  Program Overview

             9/18 Thursday                  9/19 Friday               9/20 Saturday
Start               Program Start               Program Start                 Program
7:30 Steering Committee Meeting 1 7:30 Steering Committee Meeting 2 7:30 MITAT Editorial Board meeting
8:30 Opening Ceremony
9:00 Keynote Lecture 1: Yinghao Sun 9:00 Keynote Lecture 3: Izumi Shin-Ichi 9:00 Keynote Lecture 5: Rick M. Stava   
9:20 Keynote Lecture 2: Hak Kim Chan 9:45 Keynote Lecture 4: Gang Zong 9:45 Keynote Lecture 6: Paul Alan Wetter
10:00 Microport Lecture: Guangwu Du
10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 Poster View Time / Coffee Break 10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 John Abele Lecture: John Abele 11:00 John Wickham Lecture: George Hanna 11:00 Gerhard Buess Lecture: Arthur Erdman

Special Session:

3D Printing Luncheon


Special Session:

Niti-ON Luncheon

12:00 Lunch
13:30 Parallel Session 1 13:30 Parallel Session 4 13:00 iSMIT General Assembly
1A-Surgical Robotics  4A-Intraoperative Imaging
1B-Modelling and Simulation 1 4B-Drug Delivery Device and System   14:30 Parallel Session 6
15:00 Parallel Session 2 14:30 Parallel Session 5
2A-Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Surgery 5A-Modelling and Simulation 2 6A-MIS Instrument
2B-Advances in Endoscopy  5B-Education and Training 6B-Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology
16:30 Coffee Break 15:30 Depature to SIMZ 16:00 Coffee Break
16:45 Parallel Session 3 16:30 Medi-tour 16:30 iSMIT awards / Closing remarks
3A-Cardiovascular Devices and Technology 17:30

SIMZ Introduction / Invited Speech                             

3B-Energized Therapies    
18:15 Dinner    
19:00 Huangpu River Cruise 18:30  Gala Dinner