
1. Amir Szold, M.D.

Medical Director, Asia Medical Group, Tel Aviv Israel.
Director Amir Szold has scientific publications of over 90 articles in peer-reviewed Journals including Annals of Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, American Journal of Hematology and Anesthesia and Analgesia, and chapters in books. And over 200 presentations of scientific papers in local and international meetings including DDW, SAGES, EAES. All published as abstracts.
Advisor, board member and partner in medical technology companies and medical technology incubators: Visionsense, NiTi Med, Virtual Ports, TopSpin, MST, Surgical Structure, Meytav Incubator, StimPulse, I-Surgical, Human Extensions, Nicast, LifeBond, Assymetric.

2.  Andreas Melzer

Professor of "Medical Technology" and head of Division, Founding Director of the Institute for Medical Science and Technology IMSaT of the Universities Dundee and St Andrews, Scotland Board member of the "Clinical Research Centre" at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee Director of the Joint Research Institute Medical Technology of the Northern Research partnership NRP, (Universities Aberdeen, Robert Gordon and Dundee)
20 years experiences in the development on medical technology for laparo-endoscopic surgery, interventional radiology, Interventional and Intraoperative MRI and Robotics, surgical Instrumentation, robotics and Nitinol devices with  named on 103 patents and over 200 publications, more than 500 orals and poster presentations .

3. Arthur Guy Erdman

Director on the Medical Devices Center, University of Minnesota
Arthur G. Erdman, P.E., is the Richard C. Jordan Professor and a Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota, specializing in mechanical design, bioengineering and product design. In July 2007 he was selected as the Director of the Medical Devices Center at the U of M and is also the Co-Editor of the ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
Dr. Erdman has served as chair of the Publications committee, the Design Division and the Bioengineering Divisions of ASME.  He has also been the Chair of thirteen Design of Medical Devices Conferences which are held next to the University of Minnesota each April. In April 2013 he received the Academy of Medical Device Innovators Award from the University of Minnesota and The Institute for Engineering for Medicine.

4. 陈岚


5. Daniel Wendt

M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor West German Heart Center Essen Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Hufelandstr. 55 45122 Essen Steering committee member of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT)
Associate Editor Minimal Invasive Therapies and allied Technologies (MITAT)
Associate Editor Romanian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
Essen Medical School 1998 - 2004
Residency West German Heart Center Essen 2004-2011
Consultant West German Heart Center Essen 2011
Member of American Heart Association (AHA) 

6. 杜广武

杜广武博士现任职于上海微创医疗器械,为该公司主管血管外科业务的副总裁。在此之前,杜博士是美国新泽西州的迈柯唯心血管医疗器械公司(Maquet Cardiovascular)的人造血管技术总监,负责人造血管及相关植入物的新产品研发、生产技术创新,以及支持市场调研与销售培训方面的工作。

杜博士毕业于上海东华大学和英国曼彻斯特大学,专业为纺织工程技术。曾任职于美国的瑞辉(Pfizer )、Datascop等公司、以及爵硕、德拉瓦大学,在医疗器械以及纤维复合材料领域有丰富的经验,涉及了人造血管、覆膜支架、纺织医疗品、纺织结构复合材料、三维织物、新型工业用纺织品、特种纤维与纱线等方面的设计、研发与织造技术。

7.  Eiji Kanehira

Director of Ageo Medical Group Endosurgery Academy
Chief of the Endocopic Surgery Division, Department of surgery, Ageo Central General    Hospital
Eiji Kanehira is a surgeon specializing in advanced endoscopic surgery in such digestive organs as stomach, colorectal, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, endoluminal, and so on.

8. Enric Laporte

MD, PhD, Fundació Parc de Tauli – Sabadell – Barcelona - Spain
Enric Laporte, MD is now the Director of Programme of New Technologies in Surgery – Fundació Parc Tauli and Surgeon of Instituto de Cirugia – Hospital Quirón (Barcelona). His key qualifications lie in the field: project managment, robotized surgery, OR lighting and technology and ergonomics in endoscopic surgery. He has his publications of editor of two books of laparoscopic surgery, 66 articles in books and national and foreing journals. And 225 presentations in Congresses and Meetings held in Spain, Europe, Asia and America.

9. George Hanna

Professor, Imperial College London
George Hanna is Head of the Division of Surgery, Imperial College London, and Chair of the Oesophago-gastric Cancer Pathway for the London Cancer Alliance.  He is  General Secretary of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Research Director for the Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons, UK, and Director of the NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Cooperative London. His research interest is surgical technology, gastroesophageal cancer and point of care diagnositcs.

10. 顾力栩

博士, 上海交通大学生物医学工程学院、 Med-X研究院教授,教育部数字医学工程中心、数字医疗实验室主任。
上海计算机学会多媒体专委会委员,国际期刊《IEEE Trans. On Information Technology in Biomedicine》、《计算机辅助放射学和手术--IJCARS》编辑委员会委员;国内核心期刊《计算机工程》、《中国医疗器械信息》编辑委员会委员。还担任加拿大罗伯兹医学研究院客座研究员,世界计算机辅助放射学与手术学会(CARS)程序委员会委员,第27届IEEE世界医学工程年会程序委员会委员、社交委员会主席,多次担任国际会议ISBI、MIAR、ITAB、EMBC的程序委员会委员。

11. 黄为民

黄为民博士于1998年在剑桥大学工程系获博士学位后,随即加入南洋理工大学机械和宇航学院持教至今。现为永久教职的副教授,并已指导8名博士生毕业。其科研重点为各种形状记忆材(包括合金,聚合物,复合及杂交材料)的基础和应用研究。曾受邀为超过100家国际期刊杂志(包括先进材料Advanced Materials)审稿并为多个基金机构(包括美国化学协会)评审项目申请。现为6家国际期刊的编委。已发表一百余篇SCI论文,并多次受邀撰写综述和编辑特刊。合编《形状记忆合金薄膜》(2009年由剑桥大学出版社出版),合著《聚氨酯形状记忆聚合物》(CRC于2011出版)。

12Hak-Kim CHAN

Professor of Pharmaceutics (Advanced Drug Delivery), Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney

Professor Chan is a world leader in respiratory drug delivery. Over a decade since joining the University of Sydney, he has developed a leading research program on aerosol drug delivery, ranging from in vitro, ranging from powder production by novel processes, particle engineering and aerosol formulation, to scintigraphic imaging of lung deposition and clinical outcome.


13. Jenny Dankelman

Prof. Dr. Delft University of Technology
Jenny Dankelman obtained her degree in Mathematics, with a specialisation in System and Control Engineering at the University of Groningen. Her PhD degree on the dynamics of the coronary circulation was obtained at the Man-Machine Systems Group, Delft University of Technology (DUT) in close co-operation with the department of Medical Physics of the Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam. She continued her research at the Man-Machine Systems group and in 2001 she became Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor in Minimally Invasive Technology.

14. Li Zhiyong

Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Southeast University
Professor Li Zhiyong  is the Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Southeast University. He has a BSc degree in Structural Engineering and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Between 2004-2010, he worked as a Research Fellow and then Senior Research Fellow in University of Cambridge. He has been a Fellow of Wolfson College in University of Cambridge since 2005. His research interests include cardiovascular biomechanics, image-based computational modeling, poroelastic theory and mechanical behaviour of diseased artery.

15. 盧麗愛

盧麗愛醫生, 現任香港伊利沙伯醫院肝膽胰外科部副顧問醫師。同时担任香港大学及中文大学荣誉副教授。她一直都积极参与教学及临床研究。同时也是香港外科医学院专业评核试考官之一。

香港伊利沙伯醫院是香港其中一間大学教学醫院及创伤中心。 每年平均外科急症收症达一万人次。 香港现正面对人口老化问题,老年人入院的比例每年逐步增加。 伊利沙伯醫院外科部过去几年为超过九十岁高龄的外科病人进行剖腹手术的人次是全港之冠。但是这样的外科手术实属非常高风险手术,一般人对此成效都有所保留。有鉴于此,我们收集了过往的临床资料,作了一些客观的分析。 

16. Ming-Yih Lee

Ph.D, Professor

Ming-Yih Lee Ph.D is currently a Fellow of IET (Formal IEE), the professor and Chairman of Graduate Institute of Medical Mechatronics in Chang Gung University.Currently, he is the Chair of the Technical Committee (TC) on Medical Mechatronics in IEEE/SMC Society. He has received Outstanding Research Award from CGU and Outstanding Academic-industry Collaboration Award from Ministry of Education (MOE). Dr. Lee has had research collaborations with faculty in Orthopedics Rehabilitation, Neuroscience, Surgery, Dentistry, Craniofacial and Sport Biomechanics. He has been the Chair of many biomedical related conferences and workshops. He is currently elected as Vice-president of Chinese Safe Patient Handling & Movement Association.

17. Richard M. Satava, MD FACS

Professor Emeritus of Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Washington Medical Center
Professor Satava has been continuously active in surgical education and surgical research, with more than 200 publications and book chapters in diverse areas of advanced surgical technology, including Surgery in the Space Environment, Video and 3-D imaging, Telepresence Surgery, Virtual Reality Surgical Simulation, and Objective Assessment of Surgical Competence and Training.

18. 唐本杰

博士, 唐本杰医生 2004年获得英国邓迪大学医学博士学位,现任邓迪大学医学院高级讲师,副主任。唐博士在微创外科的教育培训和人因工程学方面有特别的建树, 他与Cuschieri教授一起发明和评估了OCHRA外科手术可靠性体系,是这方面公认的世界级专家;发展并完善了邓迪大学微创外科培训中心,使之成为欧洲最大、世界领先微创外科培训中心。他还多次担任欧洲内镜外科学会(European Society for Endoscopic Surgery – EAES) 高级训练班的主任,每年培训来自世界各地的外科医生近千人。他是帝国理工大学医学院ARCPs的评委。
唐博士在单孔腹腔镜技术的研发方面也进行了大量的工作,该产品现在已经由德国Karl Storz公司批量生产并应用于临床。唐博士先后在国际性顶尖外科杂志Archives of Surgery, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, World Journal of Surgery, Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery发表论文30余篇及学术会议论文60余篇,应邀主持国际会议5次,担任Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Innovation杂志的审稿人。

19. Uwe Spetzger

Professor Dr. med. German
Uwe Spetzger was born in Karlsruhe, Germany in June 9, 1962 and received his medical degree 1989 at the Medical Faculty at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Science (ECFMG) in 1990. Since 2002 he is the Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum Karlsruhe. Prof. Spetzger was the President of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Medical Innovation and Technology SMIT2013 in Baden-Baden, Germany. Spetzger is the Congress president of the Annual Meeting of German Society Meeting of Neurosurgery (DGNC) that will be held 2015 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

20. Wei Tech Ang

Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Wei Tech Ang is an Associate Professor at the Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore. He holds  concurrent appointment as Head, Division of Engineering Mechanics and Director (Outreach) at the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004, M.Eng. and B.Eng. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University in 1999 and 1997 respectively. His research focuses on robotics technologies in Biomedical applications, which include robot assisted microsurgery & cell micromanipulations, assistive & rehabilitation technology for the disabled, etc. Prof Ang is also an activist in the promotion of technology to assist and empower the disabled and aged for quality independent living. He is a founder of the International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe).

 21. 徐凯


22. 喻洪流

上海理工大学 教授、博士、生物医学工程一级学科博士生导师,现任康复工程与技术研究所所长、康复工程学科/专业方向带头人。

23. Zheng Yufeng

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering, Peking University
Dr. Yufeng Zheng, received his Ph.D in materials science from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 1998. Since 2004 he has been a Full Professor at the Peking University in Beijing, China.  Dr. Zheng has authored or co-authored over 290 scientific peer-reviewed articles, with the citation of over 4400 times, and a H-index of 31. Dr. Zheng has received several awards including New Century Excellent Talents in University awarded by MOE of China (2007) and Distinguished Young Scholars awarded by NSFC (2012), Supervisor on national excellent doctorial dissertation (2013).