
Alfred Cuschieri
Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri Chief Scientific Officer, Institute for Medical Science and Technology, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Gold Medal
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri has published 530 Original papers in peer reviewed journal, 106 Reviews and Chapters, 23 Books and monographs.

Alfred Cuschieri教授,英国邓迪大学医学科技学院首席科学家。

Arthur Erdman

Director on the Medical Devices Center, University of Minnesota

Arthur G. Erdman, P.E., is the Richard C. Jordan Professor and a Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota, specializing in mechanical design, bioengineering and product design. In July 2007 he was selected as the Director of the Medical Devices Center at the U of M and is also the Co-Editor of the ASME Journal of Medical Devices.

He received his BS degree at Rutgers University, his MS and Ph.D. at RPI. Dr. Erdman has published over 370 technical papers, 3 books, holds 35 patents (plus 10 pending), and shares with his former students 9 Best Paper Awards at international conferences. Dr. Erdman has had research collaborations with numerous health sciences faculty including those in Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Cardiology, Urology, Orthopedics, Surgery, Dentistry, Otolaryngology, Veterinary Medicine and Sports Biomechanics.

He has consulted at over 50 companies in mechanical, biomedical and product design, including Xerox, 3M, Andersen Windows, Proctor and Gamble, HP, Rollerblade, Sulzer Medica, St. Jude Medical and Yamaha.

Arthur G. Erdman美国明尼苏达大学机械工程学院资深教授,明尼苏达大学医疗器械中心主任,美国机械工程师学会医疗器械杂志编委。曾发表超过370篇专业技术论文,出版3本著作,拥有35项专利。Arthur G. Erdman教授先后为超过50家公司提供机械、生物医学和产品设计的咨询服务,包括施乐、3M、宝洁公司、惠普、萨若医学公司、美国圣犹达公司、雅马哈等。

George Hanna
Professor, Imperial College London

George Hanna is Head of the Division of Surgery, Imperial College London, and Chair of the Oesophago-gastric Cancer Pathway for the London Cancer Alliance. He is General Secretary of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery.   Research Director for the Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons, UK, and Director of the NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Cooperative London. His research interest is surgical technology, gastroesophageal cancer and point of care diagnositcs.

George Hanna教授英国帝国理工大学,外科中心主任,欧洲内镜外科协会秘书长,英国腹腔镜外科医生协会研究室主任,伦敦国家健康研究所诊断依据研究处主任。他的研究领域是外科技术、胃食管的癌症、即时诊断。

Hak kim Chan

Hak-Kim Chan, Professor in Pharmaceutics is leading the Advanced Drug Delivery Group at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Professor Chan is a world leader in respiratory drug delivery. Over a decade since joining the University of Sydney, he has developed a leading research program on aerosol drug delivery, ranging from in vitro, ranging from powder production by novel processes, particle engineering and aerosol formulation, to scintigraphic imaging of lung deposition and clinical outcome.

He played a pivotal role in the development of Aridol™ (inhaled mannitol for diagnosis of asthma), which was approved by the FDA in the United States, 14 European Union countries, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. He has more than 280 scientific publications on pharmaceutical formulation and drug delivery (including 175 original research papers, 45 book chapters and reviews and 40 full-length conference articles, with over 5,000 citations and H-index of 38) and holds seven patents in these areas.

Professor Chan is an executive editor of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews and on the editorial advisory boards of various pharmaceutical journals, including Pharmaceutical Research and International Journal of Pharmaceutics. He was appointed to the Subcommittee on Pharmaceutical Aerosol Standards for the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration in 1996–97, and served as a member (2007–08) on the in vitro – in vivo correlation subgroup of the International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium on Regulation and Science in Washington DC. He is a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Fellow of Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), Chair of the NSW Pharmaceutical Science Group of the RACI, and Vice President of the Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Hak-Kim Chan教授,澳洲悉尼大学药学院副院长,美国药学协会科学家,澳大利亚皇家化学学会科学家,亚洲制药科学联合会副主席,是世界范围内呼吸道药物输送方面的专家。进入悉尼大学十多年来,他开发了关于喷雾给药的领先研发项目,并在Aridol™的研发过程中发挥了关键作用,该产品目前已被美国FDA批准,在美国、14个欧盟国家、新加坡、马来西亚、南韩、澳大利亚和新西兰上市。

Izumi Shin-Ichi
Dean, Professor, Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (1983-present)
Councilor (1999-present)
Trustee (2008-present)
Vice President of the board of trustees (2012-present)
Trustee, Japanese Society for Neural Repair and Neurorehabilitation (2010-present)
Council, Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (2013-present)
Corresponding Member, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2007-present)


John Abele
John is the retired Founding Chairman of Boston Scientific Corporation and an early pioneer in the then (1970s) counter-intuitive concept of less invasive surgery. He holds numerous patents and has published and lectured extensively on the many different disruptive technologies of various medical devices and on the technical, educational, social, economic, and political factors influencing their acceptance into global clinical practice.

He is a Fellow in both the Society of Interventional Radiology and the American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, and received honorary Doctoral degrees from Northeastern University, Wentworth Institute of Technology and Amherst College and many other awards. He is Founding Chairman of the Argosy Foundation.

In 2006, he was ranked #258 by Forbes Magazine's list of "The World's Richest People," with an estimated net worth of $2.7 billion. In 2005 he was ranked #132 by Forbes Magazine's list of "The World's Richest People," with an estimated net worth of $4 billion.

John Able,波士顿科学公司创始人。也是20世纪70年代微创外科技术的先驱者之一。2005年被《福布斯》杂志评选为"世界上最富有的人"第132名,预计拥有40亿美元的净资产。

Paul Wetter
"The single individual who has done the most to promote education and understanding of Minimally Invasive Surgery worldwide."

As one of the first surgeons to champion advanced laparoscopic surgery, he is a social and education entrepreneur and innovator. Dr. Wetter brought together multiple surgical specialties to start a new type of medical multi-specialty society, the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, which has become the largest of its kind in the world with over 6,000 active members. He established the AsianAmerican and EuroAmerican MIS Summits, through which he has put high-quality educational and resource materials into the hands of all surgeons and hospitals worldwide. He is the co-founder of Medical Journal, JSLS, which has had a meteoric rise to the top 100 journals of over 10,000 scientific publications online, and spearheaded the publication of the first of their kind open-access, online medical textbooks, which can be used at the bedside, in the office, library, and OR and have built-in language translation for worldwide utilization. He is also founder of ORReady, the world initiative to improve surgical outcomes., www.ORReady.org which has 21 organizations of Five continents participating. Dr. Wetter has received honors in many countries for his sharing of ideas about MIS around the world, which influenced the rapid rise of MIS. The driving source for his work is the lofty goal of giving every budding and experienced practitioner in the world an opportunity to contribute and learn. Dr. Wetter truly has mastered the art of collaboration and Open Access in medical education worldwide.

Paul Alan Wetter,全世界范围内微创外科手术教育和普及的推动者,全世界最早一批的优秀的腹腔镜手术医生之一,是"美国腹腔镜内镜外科医师协会"创始人,该协会目前已成全球为同类协会中最大的协会,拥有6000多名会员。他也是美亚、欧美微创医疗器械峰会发起人,《美国腹腔镜内镜外科医师协会杂志》JSLS共同创始人。

Richard M. Satava
Richard M. Satava, MD FACS

Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgery
University of Washington edical Center, Seattle, Washington

Richard Satava, MD, FACS, is Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington Medical Center, and Senior Science Advisor at the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command in Ft. Detrick, MD.
Prior positions include Professor of Surgery at Yale University and a military appointment as Professor of Surgery (USUHS) in the Army Medical Corps assigned to General Surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Program Manager of Advanced Biomedical Technology at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

He has served on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Committee on Health, Food and Safety. He is currently a member of the Emerging Technologies and Resident Education, and Informatics committees of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), is past president of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), past president of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS), and is on the Board of Governors of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) as well as on a number of surgical societies. He is on the editorial board of numerous surgical and scientific journals, and active in numerous surgical and engineering societies./p>

During his 23 years of military surgery he has been an active flight surgeon, an Army astronaut candidate, MASH surgeon for the Grenada Invasion, and a hospital commander during Desert Storm, all the while continuing clinical surgical practice. While striving to practice the complete discipline of surgery, he is aggressively pursuing the leading edge of advanced technologies to formulate the architecture for the next generation of Medicine.


Zong Gang

Gordon (Gang) Zong, currently the CEO of Sinoipro IP Management and Technology Transfer Co., Ltd., an Adjunct Professor at Shanghai Intellectual Property Research Center, and the CEO of Kaiyi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.. He is an expert consultant for China’s State Intellectual Property Office, Shanghai Intellectual Property Office, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Between 2007-2013, he was the Managing Director of The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) at Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he established the first professional technology transfer office in China. His pioneering work at SIBS OTT was recognized by many governmental leaders including Chinese Primary Minister and Vice minister, widely reported by the media, and written as the subject of a Harvard Business School Case. During 2000-2006 and 1993-1998, he worked for over 10 years in IP management, technology transfer, business development, and cancer research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Caner Center – the Number 1 ranked cancer center in the US. Additionally, during 2010-2011 he was the Vice Chairman of the Government Industry University Transaction Committee, Licensing Executive Society International (LESI). He has done hundreds of licensing and collaboration deals in the US and China, and has also been actively involving in forming high-tech and biotech startups, formed several startup companies both in China and in the US including two startups with US Venture Capital funding (one is now listed on NASDAQ). He has over twenty years of experiences in technology commercialization, business consulting, new venture startup, and life sciences research.


纵刚,全国知识产权领军人才,上海市 “千人计划” 创业人才,现任上海盛知华知识产权服务有限公司CEO、上海知识产权研究中心客座研究员、国家知识产权局、工信部和上海市知识产权局专家组成员、苏州凯益生物科技有限公司CEO2007-2013年任中国科学院上海生命科学研究院知识产权与技术转移中心主任,在上海生科院创建了国内首家专业化技术转移管理机构。他在上海生科院的开创性工作曾多次被上报国务院并得到了李克强、刘延东等中央领导的肯定和批示、被媒体也多次报道、以及被哈佛大学商学院写成哈佛商学院教学案例。2000-20061993-1998年间他在美国排名第一的癌症中心--德克萨斯大学MD Anderson癌症中心有过10年多知识产权和技术转移管理和癌症研究经历。此外,2010-2011年他还担任过国际技术许可高级管理人员协会(LESI)的官产学研交易委员会副主席。他曾亲自完成过数百笔专利和技术的国内外许可转让及合作研发的交易,并曾分别在美国和中国创立了数家科技成果转化新公司,包括美国风险投资基金投资的两家公司(其中一家公司已在NASDAQ上市)。他在知识产权管理与技术产业化、商业咨询、创立新公司、以及生命科学研究等方面拥有20多年的工作经验。