Professor Owen is the world renowned pioneer of Microsurgery. This ex-concert pianist graduated in medicine from The University of Sydney and studied Paediatric Surgery at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, researching miniature ways of developing new operations to save premature babies who were born with severe Birth Defects in the 1960s. He travelled to the ZEISS factory in Germany and co-developed the Zeiss Double Motorised Operating Microscope making microsurgery possible for two skilled operators at once. He also designed new micro-instruments and techniques introducing new ways to join small vessel nerves and tiny tubes even in the smallest of newborn babies. By 1970 he was performing some of the earliest successful replantation’s of totally severed amputated fingers and limbs, even in small children as well as initiating lifesaving miniature operations for newborn babies with congenital abnormalities.